Keynote Speakers

Elisabeth Kastenholz
University of Aveiro, Portugal
Elisabeth Kastenholz is Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering at the University of Aveiro, where she teaches Tourism and Marketing related subjects, integrating the University's Research Unit GOVCOPP (Governance, Competitiveness and Pubic Policies) and serving as Coordinator of the international PhD program in Marketing and Strategy. With an academic background of studies in tourism management & planning, consumer behaviour and marketing, her main research interests lie in the fields of tourist behaviour and destination marketing, more specifically in sustainability-yielding destination marketing, accessible tourism, the tourist experience, rural tourism, food & wine, cultural and nature-based tourism and tourism-enhanced rural development. She currently coordinates the nationally funded project 'TWINE - Co-creating sustainable Tourism & WINe Experiences in rural areas' (reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032259).